Your expert for Slovenian and EU law

Vesna Cukrov, founder of Law firm Cukrov
Law firm Cukrov is one of the leading Slovene law firms which provides the entire range of attorney services (which are offered by attorneys in accordance with the Attorneys’ Act) particularly to legal entities as well as to natural persons, when so agreed. These attorney services comprise legal counselling, representation, client(s) representation in front of courts and other state authorities, drafting of legal deeds and representation of clients in their legal relationships.
We are specialized in the fields of commercial law, corporate law, competition law and civil law (contracts, indemnification claims) as well as judicial litigations, real estate and construction law, investments and infrastructure, public tenders, energy law, due diligence reviews, restructuring as well as tax law, administrative law and constitutional law.
Our clients are able to benefit from our prompt response, attorney solutions of superb quality as well as efficient and quality legal solutions. Law firm Cukrov is your reliant partner for Slovenian law.
We are your reliable partner with a complete understanding of your needs. We recognise and identify your interests and achieve the set targets. Our full dedication to the client and the client’s targets, high expertise and high-level efforts represent the core of our work. Our clients are numerous largest and most prestigious commercial companies from Slovenia and abroad.
When the project so require and when so agreed with the client we liaise with audit companies, individual university professors from the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics, financial experts and law firms from abroad.
We strictly and thoroughly safeguard confidentiality of the client – attorney relationship in all our activities. We also strive to develop an upmost close business relationship with the client, as well as to become most closely acquainted with the full realm of the client’s activities and business. This is the fastest and most reliable way to reach targeted solutions of best quality, pursued by the client themselves.
Ready for eveything
Resourceful and skillful
Why choose Law firm Cukrov?
We understand your business and always finds the solution for it.
Extremely high professionalism, outstanding efforts, 24 hours availability also during work free days, personal approach as well as absolute safeguarding of confidentiality warrant our success.
We are winners of the prestigious recognition of the international legal organization Leaders in Law “Global Awards 2021 winner” in the selection “Public Procurement Expert of the year 2021 in Slovenia”.
Because we care more to succeed with your case as opposed to making the law office succeed, we focus entirely on each individual case, with quality overriding quantity principle. We do not accept each and every case, however in cases that we do accept, we do everything to win.
We are an exclusive law firm, extremely experienced in many areas, among others in commercial law, investments and public procurements. A high degree of specialisation and experience in many areas guarantees a most professional, expedient and best quality solution for you.
We are led by high integrity and responsibility awareness in relation to our clients. We treat your case as our personal case. Given the fact we invest above-average efforts for our clients and excel in our skills, this has resulted in a large number of successful Slovene and foreign commercial companies and corporations having become our clients.

The founder of the law firm, the attorney at law Vesna Cukrov has vast professional and management experience in different areas, which enable her to identify possible solutions faster and to reach goals pursued by our clients.
In 2021, she was recognized as a “Global Awards 2021 winner” by the prestigious international legal organization Leaders in Law.
She is also a court expert for the area of law and public tenders, registered in the court experts’ registry with the Ministry of Justice. She also holds a certificate of qualification to act as a member of management board or supervisory board of commercial companies. She is also a former supervisory board member of Holding Slovenske Elektrarne d.o.o. and a former member of the Holding Slovenske Elektrarne d.o.o.’s supervisory board commission for restructuring. She is also member of the Slovenian Directors’ Association. Prior to founding her own law firm she held the function of a president of the Slovene National Review Commission since her nomination to this function by the National Assembly in 2008.
She was performing this function up to the expiry of the mandate term.
Previously she was employed at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. In the year 2004 the National Assembly nominated her to act as a member of the National Review Commission, which she exercised between the years 2004 – 2006. During the years from 1998 up to 2004 she was the state undersecretary and later the state secretary at the Ministry of Justice. Throughout the period of her employment at the Ministry of Justice she also acted as Head of Section for Logistics of Justice Bodies. Prior to that she was employed at management positions in private sector as well as at High Court in Ljubljana and Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Ljubljana.

She cooperated in preparation of several regulations; she also has excellent skills with respect to legislative procedures. She lectures occasionally (also at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics of the University in Ljubljana) and cooperates in colloquia dealing with areas of speciality of her law firm. In the year 2016 she co-authored the commentary of the last Public Procurement Act (Zakon o javnem naročanju ZJN-3), which was published by the Tax Fin Lex company.
She graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, international law section, as well as completed her Bar exam after her completion of the studies. Whilst studying at the Law Faculty she also worked at the Informative Programme of the RTV Slovenija.
During her spare time she devotes her time to charity work, also as a member of Lions Club Iliria Ljubljana.
Memberships and licences:
- Attorney’s Bar Association of Slovenia
- Slovenian Directors’ Association
- Former president, vicepresident and Supervisory board member of Holding Slovenske Elektrarne d.o.o.
- Former president of the Holding Slovenske Elektrarne d.o.o.’s supervisory board Commission for restructuring.
- Court interpreter for law and public procurement matters
- Member of the Editor Council at TFL, journal for legal, tax and financial matters
- Združenje Manager
- Ljubljana Ilirija Lions klub
- AEA International Lawyers Network

Areas of work
Public Procurements and Concessions
The founder of law firm Cukrov, the attorney at law Vesna Cukrov, possesses vast experience also in this field as a former president of the National Review Commission (Državna revizijska komisija) auditing public procurement proceedings. She is also a court expert for law and public tenders. At the same time she co-authored a commentary of the last Public Procurement Act (Zakon o javnem naročanju ZJN-3), which was published by the Tax Fin Lex company in 2016.
Infrastructure projects, Investments and Construction
Law firm Cukrov is specialized in areas of infrastructure as well as execution of investments and construction, be it for the needs of principals or for the needs of suppliers. Throughout our work we provided our attorney services in all major investments in Slovenia.
Litigation, preliminary evaluation of dispute outcome and arbitration
Law firm Cukrov is specialized in commercial disputes and indemnification disputes of high value, with many satisfied domestic and foreign commercial companies as our clients. Prior to mandate acceptance and if the client so wishes, we prepare an objective and neutral assessment of the case. Management of the corporate company is so presented with a quality assessment in order to adopt a business decision prior to entering into court litigation. Given our written and objectively prepared pre-analysis of…
Due diligence
Law firm Cukrov and its team of expert professionals provides high quality due diligence reviews needed when adopting strategic decisions relating to acquisitions of commercial companies, mergers and acquisitions, investments and related activities.
Labour Law and Company Restructuring
Law firm Cukrov is very successful in covering all areas of labor law, from the preparation of employment contracts, the preparation of systematisation, the regulation of specific forms of work and all other matters related to labor law and related litigation. Our law firm also participates in all the professional aspects of restructuring related to corporate bankruptcies, forced settlements and liquidation of companies.
Commercial Law and Corporate Law
Our experts in this field offer counselling to management boards and supervisory boards of commercial companies. The law firm is acting in assuring business operations compliance, commercial litigations, drafting of commercial contracts, corporate commercial matters as well as arbitration law.
Competition Law
We have represented and for our client extremely successfully solved some of the most difficult cases in the field of competition law. As referenced in the following web-link
EU Law
We were in charge of several extremely successful procedures on the EU level, since we are experts in the field of EU law. Our law firm continuously follows all changes of regulations in this field, case law of the European Commission, the General Court as well as the Court of Justice. We are able to apply all stated in a suitable way to protect our clients and to help them to achieve their goals.
Patents and Intellectual Property
The law firm has broad experience in patent protection in the field of pharmaceutical law, also internationally, as well as in other fields, together with related litigations. We are able to efficiently protect our clients and safeguard their interests in this area as well.