

Law Firm Cukrov Awarded the Title of Best Public Procurement Law Firm in Slovenia for 2024/2025

We are pleased to announce that the organization Leaders in Law has awarded Law Firm Cukrov the prestigious title of Public Procurement Law Firm of the Year in Slovenia for 2024/2025.

This recognition affirms our professional expertise, continuous education, and commitment to achieving the best outcomes for our clients. It serves as both an honor and a motivation to remain at the forefront of public procurement law and to continue striving for excellence.

Thank you for your trust in us.




You are warmly invited to watch the trailer for the Cukrov Podcast episode, where Vesna Cukrov and Veronika Cukrov had the honour of hosting statesman Mr. Borut Pahor. Together, we had an open and sincere discussion about the climate crisis, international armed conflicts, and our responsibility toward future generations. We warmly invite you to watch the video at the link below!




Veronika Cukrov attending Bled Strategic Forum 2024

A statement from our lawyer Veronika Cukrov regarding the event:

“The Bled Strategic Forum 2024 has come to a close! Over two insightful days, we delved into pressing global issues, from India’s future positioning to cybersecurity challenges.

Among the many memorable moments, the poignant performance of Somewhere from West Side Story by Palestinian soprano Nour Darwish, on a panel under the patronage of President Dr. Nataša Pirc Musar, stood out. Her rendition was both moving and inspiring.

Congratulations to the organizers for a flawlessly executed event! ”




You are invited to watch the invitation from Vesna Cukrov, attorney, court expert in law and public procurement, and former President of the National Review Commission, to the 13th Public Procurement Congress organized by the Uradni list.

She will once again be giving a lecture on this Congress, this time on a current and highly interesting topic related to construction projects.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join us on September 5th at the Grand Hotel Bernardin in Portorož! We hope to see you there!

Brezplačni webinar za ponudnike javnih naročil!

Ste ponudnik, ki želi bolje razumeti in se pripraviti na postopke javnih naročil? Potem ne zamudite našega BREZPLAČNEGA webinarja, ki ga organiziramo v sodelovanju s Tax-Fin-Lex!

Kdaj? 5.9.2024 ob 9:00.

O čem bomo govorili?
– Najpogostejše napake ponudnikov pri pripravi ponudb in kako se jim izogniti.
– Praktični nasveti za uspešno pripravo ponudb.

Naša ustanoviteljica, Vesna Cukrov, Attorney at law, bo delila svoje bogate izkušnje na področju javnih naročil. Je nekdanja predsednica Državne revizijske komisije za revizijo postopkov oddaje javnih naročil in sodna izvedenka za pravo in javna naročila z licenco Ministrstva za pravosodje.

Pohvali se lahko z obsežnimi delovnimi izkušnjami v gospodarstvu in pravosodju ter je ena vodilnih strokovnjakinj na področju prava javnih naročil, investicij, gospodarskega prava in gradbenega prava. Je tudi soavtorica komentarja Zakona o javnem naročanju (ZJN-3) in prejemnica prestižne mednarodne nagrade “Global Awards 2021 winner” in “Public Procurement Expert of the year in Slovenia”.

Prijavite se na dogodek in izboljšajte svoje možnosti za uspeh na področju javnih naročil! Ne zamudite te izjemne priložnosti!

Prijavite se zdaj: https://lnkd.in/evsRgG4p


Our lecture on the topic “Collaboration between the Construction Manager, Design Manager, and Supervision Manager as Conditions for Recognizing References in Public Procurement Procedures.”

This week, we had the honor of delivering a lecture on the topic of “Collaboration between the Construction Manager, Design Manager, and Supervision Manager as Conditions for Recognizing References in Public Procurement Procedures.” We focused on key issues:

– What to do when a large construction project encounters public procurement formalities due to the retirement of the responsible person, with no alternative available in the market?
– How to ensure smooth project execution while complying with public procurement requirements?
– What constitutes an insignificant change in the contract?
– How is a change in the project related to the principle of proportionality?

During the training, aimed at construction managers, design managers, and supervision managers, we provided answers to these important dilemmas.

More about the lecture: https://www.izs.si/izobrazevanja/izs-izobrazevanja/?education=I-0034/2024




Veronika Cukrov at the Court of EU

Veronika Cukrov spent a successful day at the EU Court in Luxembourg!

She also had the opportunity to meet Judge Anna Marcoulli, who is truly an extraordinary woman, and she gives us all faith that one day the first floor of the court will not only display portraits of men. The Court of Justice of the European Union is a key institution that ensures uniform interpretation and application of EU law and protects citizens’ rights. We admire the work of this institution, which contributes daily to legal security and stability throughout the European Union. We look forward to future challenges and opportunities in this field!


Vesna Cukrov, attorney at law, former head of the Department of Investments at the Ministry of Justice, former president of the National Audit Commission and court expert, shared her expert view on the recent purchase of the court building at Litijska ulica in an exclusive interview for Sobotno Delo. At the same time, Vesna Cukrov points out that this case is also an opportunity for an in-depth discussion about state investments.

You are welcome to read the article!

The article is available at this link: https://lnkd.in/exxy3ypN .

The full article in Slovene is available here.



We kindly invite you to lsten to the latest episode of the podcast “Vešči prava” (Masters of Law), where Veronika Cukrov of Law Firm Cukrov was a guest of Dr. Ana Čertanec. They discussed public procurement and the challenges that Veronika Cukrov faces in her work in the Cukrov Law Firm. Public procurement procedures are of fundamental importance to a democratic society, and this knowledge is crucial for all those considering participation in public tenders, dealing with this issue in the workplace, or wanting a better understanding of the public expenditure process.

Link to the podcast (turn on autogenerated english annotations): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqAz2GqJo0U&t=797s&ab_channel=Ve%C5%A1%C4%8Dipravapodkast
